Thursday, July 2, 2015

Dirty laundry

Last Saturday temperatures here on the Palouse skyrocketed over 110F.  One of the reader boards in town registered 113 for an hour in the late afternoon.  Needless to say, I spent last Saturday locked up in our bedroom, which was the only room that had air conditioning.  I got quite a bit done (as I posted on Facebook!)  Our bedroom now actually looks kind of like a room, rather than a dumping ground for stuff.

Unfortunately, our living room adopted the title of "dumping ground for stuff" in the process.

I've set a goal to get through 2 boxes per day so that I don't feel overwhelmed, and it's worked so far.  Most of the "stuff" is storage, things that don't get used regularly but don't need to be given away or tossed.  Like my fabric stash.  Eventually (when we finish the bedroom), my "little office" will get some deep floating shelves, and the fabric will get stacked there.  Thankfully I only have 3 small boxes with fabric.  It used to take up two shelves of the built-in cabinet at my old place, so it's not like I have a problem or anything.  I just happen to own 3 sewing machines (okay, 2 sewing machines and a serger...but one of the machines belonged to my grandmother!!)

Today's topic, however, is laundry.  Before Connor was potty trained, we used cloth diapers, so I was doing laundry every other day.  When he was a newborn and Damien was still in diapers, we did laundry every day (holy diapers, Batman!!)  I'd do it again in a heartbeat--not having to lug a trash bag full of funky diapers to the trash every couple days versus tossing them in the wash...easy.  Then again, I was a stay-at-home mom the majority of that time, so it really wasn't a big deal.  Even when I was working and C was still in diapers, it wasn't bad.  I'd throw them in to soak before work, finish the wash cycle when I got home and then toss them in the dryer and have them stuffed and ready after dinner.

Now that he isn't in diapers, however, we still have two pretty PlanetWise wets bags that I've since demoted (promoted?!) to clothes duty.  Until today, they hung on the back door handle of the boys' room and was more of a hindrance than anything as it would weigh down the door and make it difficult for them to open or close the door.

So I had an idea.  And the best part was, it was a free idea since we had all the supplies already!

The closet seemed the best place for them, since that's the area the boys do the majority of their dressing/undressing, but the problem was putting them in a place that was accessible to tiny humans while still keeping them out of the way.

The bonus of having a Handy Husband is he saves every nail and screw he finds.  I dug through my tool kit until I found a couple of nice long flooring nails and hammered them in at a slight angle.  I tested the weight on Damien's side first to make sure it wasn't just going to fall right out; but thankfully the construction of our house included shiplap boards along the walls...not so good for insulation, but GREAT for nailing stuff into the walls!  They're super sturdy and not going anywhere anytime soon.  When we (eventually) pull out all the awful panelling in the room and replace it, I can just have my HH remove the nails (they're in there nice and tight) and either replace them with a sturdier hook or just use the nails again.  They're not in an area that finds itself in constant traffic (a hazard to roughhousing humans), so they're safe enough for now.

I can hear the doubters saying, "Yeah, 'cuz they're going to clean up their clothes on a regular basis."  They actually do a pretty good job (with reminders and the occasional threat or me throwing their clothes at them while they play the xylophone HAH).  They also have a chore chart where they earn rewards if they keep their clothes picked up, put their toys away, make their beds, and help feed the dog.  I need to get a new dry-erase marker for it (the old one dried out), but it's highly effective.  The boys love marking off the day's chores and get very excited when they earn something new.

What is your laundry-collection plan?  Anyone have something cool they do that they want to share?  I'm envious of this lady, I wish my laundry area was THIS organized!!  Someday....

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