Monday, February 15, 2016

In which Joseph convinces me to DIY all the things

I hate shopping.

Actually, I hate commercialism.  Best revoke my American citizenship, I suppose, since that's on what our country seems to be principled!  Clothes shopping is my own personal Hell, mostly due to one of two scenarios:

1) I'm out shopping with a friend and find ALL THE CUTE THINGS that look amazing on me...and I have no money in the budget for clothes for that time period.

2) I have money in the budget for clothes and everything looks about as appealing to me as a wet paper bag.  So I'll use the money to buy clothes for my children...and the cycle continues.

Baby shopping is almost as annoying to me, because there is so much CRAP on the market.  My favorite example is the Itzbeen timer.  Some people swear by it, but I don't understand what's wrong with simply using a sheet of paper for the first week or two that it's really necessary to observe input/output.  There are also free apps and websites that can be used to track this stuff.  Another product I don't get is the Bumbo Seat, but seeing as it's a very popular item, there must be some kind of draw to it.

Talking to one of my sisters-in-law the other day reminded me of my other huge complaint about baby items: the HUGE markup on them.  It costs as much to purchase quality baby clothes as it does to buy some quality adult items!  Some things make sense, but when safety standards for car seats MUST meet a certain level (as is laid out by laws and regulations), I can't understand why one bucket seat is $80, and another is $400.  Ugh.

One of the things I've been longing after this pregnancy is a beautiful nursery, but I don't want to spend hundreds of dollars for something that won't really get used.  My practical and rational side gets in the way of that!  I kept drooling over gorgeous cribs (that I know must cost more than $500 for just the frame) and Joe kept asking if I wanted him to build one.  I held off for a while.  I even looked up an IKEA crib that I would be perfect happy to use.

And then, after Pinteresting "DIY crib" on a whim, I found this:

I'm pretty sure angels were singing.  Having a Handy Husband who works with wood all day means this project wouldn't cost the same as purchasing a new or even a used crib.  Perks of owning your own business!  For those interested, the tutorial for making the crib can be found here.

The only downside (that I can see!) to finding this is now I need to make this and this and these and this and....

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