This may or may not become A Thing!
Those of you who know me are aware that I have a number of mild to moderate food allergies. Most of them are actually intolerances (my body cannot digest the ingredient.) It's a pain and a half. Since my diagnosis in 2011 I have been on a self-discovery path when it comes to feeding my body. My biggest realization was that, for the most part, I shouldn't try to replace the foods with gluten-free alternatives, which are usually full of other things that may not be good for me, either. The last two years has brought an increase in items that are both healthy and nutritious, thanks to a rise in celiac awareness and a push from the allergy community to make delicious and healthy allergen-free foods more readily available. I'm still waiting for the day that corn will reach this list (but that's an entire political battle of its own.)
Yesterday two of my sisters-in-law made cinnamon rolls.
Oh my goodness.
They were fluffy.
They were gooey with cinnamon and brown sugar.
They had a light yeasty flavor.
I may have eaten two of them.
My poor boys wanted to try them so bad, but they have cows milk allergies so that could not happen. Sometime soon I will try to adapt the recipe to make it dairy free. We'll see!
Check out the recipe that has me raving. You would never know it is gluten-free!
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