We went over to the house on Saturday with Joe's brothers to show them the house and decided since we were there that we were going to start ripping stuff up!
The blinds were nasty and ancient and broke as soon as I tried to open the windows in the livingroom to air it out, so they got tossed, too. I also discovered that the windows in the livingroom do not open! Add that to the list of stuff to change.
Thankfully, the ugly carpet came up much easier than I expected it to. Between the four men, they had it up and in the garage in about a half hour. I also took the opportunity to try to see how easy it would be to remove the awful lights and fake paneling on the wall near the fireplace. I tried to whack Joe in the head, but thankfully he keeps his ninja skills finely honed at work, where flying hammers and boards are a constant danger.
In tearing up the carpet in the bedroom, we uncovered this neat laminate flooring!! More pictures when it's totally off. And then we'll tear this up to reveal the wood floors. Yay!
I, sadly, did not get a before picture of the hallway. That's okay. It was strange and low and now looks much better. I can't wait to get the laminate off the walls. YES, laminate on the walls. Anybody know why someone would think this is a sweet thing to do in a home? I guess it would wipe clean pretty easily and wouldn't have to have paint touched up!
Weird mirror thing at the end of the hallway. So you can see people sneaking up on you when you're putting away linens. Or use the "eyes in the back of my head" excuse on your kids. Whichever.
We also discovered this fire extinguisher. Tell me when you notice what is wrong with this picture. (Don't worry--I'll replace it! It's on the list.)
What is this list? Well right now it's in my head...but pay attention to the tabs at the top of the screen. Soon I'll add one that has a list of the updates to be done and purchases to make. We're still trying to finalize a fridge option. Joey is going to look at one today, hopefully it'll be a winner and we can bring it home!
Hey, 1976 was a good year.